Motherhood | the Domestic lie


Motherhood | the Domestic lie

I can’t pretend anymore. I’m not as domesticated as I fool everyone Including myself into believing I am.
Society, and all that encompasses it, sends such a wildly loud and toxic message to mothers that if we desire to be entrepreneurs, or work outside the home, or just plain want to take care of ourselves, then clearly then we are less of a mother than those that fully give of their whole selves. Which includes their identity, their purpose, their relationships, and their health.

I’m calling bullshit

I’ve been struggling with my identity as a wife and a mother and the fact that my brain literally never stops with the things I want to tackle in life. Business endeavors, volunteer ideas, friendships, etc.

Don’t misunderstand me, I love my children to the ENDS of this earth and I would give my very life for them. But that doesn’t mean I’m not wired with an artistic, creative brain thats longing for a little more.
I’ve allowed this stigma to literally stunt me for 20 plus years. Professionally, emotionally and even physically.
For ten years, I didn’t push my businesses because I was busy being worried about not missing a single moment of each child life, and grandchild.

I allowed myself to become anxious and depressed because I didn’t pursue things that brought me creative joy. It’s a different kind of fulfilling joy than motherhood in itself.

I neglected my physical health for years. As a result, I suffered years of chronic anemia, headaches, fatigue, broken relationships and so many other things.
Can I just assure you, sweet mama….You are FAR more capable of doing motherhood, work, relationships, and all the things if you just. take. care. of. your. physical. health.

Read that again.

I firmly believe we, as a whole would see FAR less of a mental health decline, if we started with our physical health. Stop accepting the way you feel as “normal” and find ways to work on yourself. You don’t have to change your entire course in a day.
But mama, sweet & beautiful, courageous mama do it for yourself. Do it for your children. Commit to one change you can make today to become a better version of yourself. I promise it’s going to be worth it.
Here is just a quick list of a few things I can think of that you could start with. Tell me what you would add.

Cut out one bad food habit. (candy, soda, cereal for dinner)
Make time to read for a block of time each day
Start walking a couple times a week
Start taking vitamins
Limit your social media time
Make showering a priority

Where did I come up with these ideas? Because I have and DO struggle with these and so much more.

Happy Mothers Day to every single woman reading this. Even if you’ve never birthed an actual human, I’m willing to bet my breakfast in bed that you’ve mothered (or are still mothering) someone in your journey.
