Creating Space


Creating Space

It was only in 2021 that I decided to stop waiting for that “perfect” time, or the forever home to begin homesteading. So I threw together a couple of raised beds and made it official. 

The following year, I planted so many varieties of things I knew nothing about. They just seemed fun or someone suggested them. And I became so overwhelmed by it all. I had so many things growing in the garden, but they were things that weren’t preservable for the shelves. 

Then September came and I lost a dear friend and colleague to a tragic unexpected death. Death doesn’t usually hit me as hard as it did with her, but I felt so broken, and unable to help her husband and daughters. 

And so, I committed to taking on her workload. We’re both photographers and I figured I could just work her sessions into my schedule, and then edit the load she had already photographed but not edited or delivered. 

Except there was away more to it than that. And I’ll spare you all the details. Just know that I’m still plugging away at her work. And while I’m honored to do so, I’m overwhelmed by it all.  Jen was wildly transparent about her “hot mess self” and I still under estimated her 😉

But what happened this tragic fall season is that I was so insanely busy, and grieving and I stopped going into the garden space. And things just stayed in that broken space as it was. 

Winter came and covered my naked soil in frost and snow. And when spring began to emerge, I ventured out there to find myself quickly overwhelmed and broken. Much like the empty, baron, cluttered space I was looking at 


I didn’t know  what to do or where to begin. I just knew that I wanted to do better than I did last year. 

I wanted to plant with intention, and I wanted to create a space of refuge, a beautiful space where, not only could work towards growing food for my family, but also a space where I could find peace, refuge and fellowship with God. 

But I just didn’t know where to even start. 

I posted in my semi local homestead group just pleading for help. And a dear sister in Christ and amazing homesteader offered to come and help me. If you’re into homesteading at all, you’re probably familiar with Todd and Rachel from That 1870’s Homestead. I actually knew Rachel years ago when I was pretty brand new as a Christian. But I hadn’t seen her in every bit of 15-20 years. I’ve connected with her recently through homesteading and was even invited over once that first year of my homesteading journey to process green beans with her. although we don’t chat often, I watch their channel quite a bit, so I probably feel more connected to her than she does me. 

Anyway, Rachel seen my post and she reached out in an offer to help. 

The rain played a huge role in attempting to make that not happen, but she found a pocket of time in her life this past weekend to come over and help me. I’m just a few short hours she came in, guided me with where to start, helped me clean up and discuss ways to care for the space and the soil I want to grow in.

But the fellowship

The fellowship was more invaluable to me than anything. 

The encouragement that Rachel gave me, may have been just what I needed. 

I don’t know if she’ll ever understand the vastness of her grace, and willingness to help me here on my little slice of homestead, and I also don’t know how I will ever properly thank her. Except to just keep on doing the thing. To get up every day and spend that 15 minutes tending to the space I want to create as a place of worship. 

You can watch the updated vlog here.